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Rural Vision


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Documents (90)

Showing results 20 to 30
  • General publications
  • 3 October 2023
Collecting and analysing data for rural policies: Science-society-policy interfaces. Tristan Berchoux CIHEAM (France)
  • General publications
  • 3 October 2023
Using evidence for policy making and rural proofing to address rural depopulation in Spain. Juana Lopez, Ministry for Ecological Transition & Demographic Challenge (Spain)
  • General publications
  • 3 October 2023
European Rural Observatory and toolkit for EU Funding. Alessandro Rainoldi, European Joint Research Centre
  • General publications
  • 3 October 2023
Taking stock of how the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policy contribute to the LTVRA. Mario Milouchev, European Commission DG AGRI & Wallis Vandebrock-Goelen, European Commission DG REGIO
  • General publications
  • 27 September 2023
Participants Guidance (Practical Information)
  • General publications
  • 21 September 2023
Draft Policy Briefing: Making the Rural Pact happen in Member States
  • General publications
  • 21 September 2023
  • General publications
  • 14 September 2023
Field visit project: Brihuega Royal Cloth Factory
  • General publications
  • 14 September 2023
Field visit project: Brihuega regional day care center
  • General publications
  • 14 September 2023
Field visit project: El Colmenar de Valderromero