Rural proofing - European Union Skip to main content
Rural Vision

Rural proofing

What is rural proofing?

Rural proofing means reviewing policies through a rural lens, to make these policies fit for purpose for those who live and work in rural areas. 

In practice, it considers, for policies in the making, the actual and potential, positive or negative, direct and indirect impacts and implications on rural jobs, development prospects, social well-being, equal opportunities for all and the environmental quality of rural areas and communities. 

What did the European Commission commit to? 

When adopting the rural vision, the European Commission committed to put in place a rural proofing mechanism as part of the “Better regulation” agenda, to assess the impact of major EU legislative initiatives on rural areas. 

How is it done in practice at EU level? 

What about rural proofing at national, regional and local levels? 

Rural proofing beyond the EU 

Several organisations such as the Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD) or the World health organisation have developed an interest in rural proofing. Together they organised a workshop on Rural proofing for health as part of the OECD rural development conference in Cavan (Ireland). 

The Commission will also keep interacting with international organisations on issues related to rural proofing.

More about OECD work on rural development 

More about WHO work on rural health equity