XII European Mountain Convention - European Union Skip to main content
Rural Vision
  • News article
  • 20 December 2022
  • Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
  • 1 min read

Mountain representatives promote the Rural Pact at the XII European Mountain Convention

On 26 and 27 October 2022, more than 150 mountain stakeholders from all over Europe gathered in Camigliatello Silano in Calabria, Italy, to take part in the XII European Mountain Convention on “Smart mountains: how to make our territories attractive and future oriented”.

XII European Mountain Convention

Mountain territories, beyond their natural and geographical constraints, are territories of opportunity and can contribute to the great challenges of today, such as the Green Deal, the digital transition and sustainable economic development. Crucial issues were addressed during the event, such as the contribution of European policies, and in particular the long-term vision for rural areas, governance and research and innovation in making mountains resilient, attractive, and sustainable territories. Participatory workshops were also conducted on the four blocks of action of the EU rural vision. From clean mobility to employment, services, future-oriented economy and sustainable management of resources, the event set out a path towards stronger, more prosperous, connected, and resilient mountains.

As a result of the event, mountain stakeholders adopted the Sila Declaration, which provides recommendations for building smarter mountains, including through social and digital innovation, participatory approaches and multidisciplinary research. This declaration calls in particular for an intensification of exchanges of experience and knowledge, for instance within the framework of the Rural Pact. On its side, Euromontana also committed to further encourage its members at all levels to join the Rural Pact in order to work collectively for sustainable mountain development.