The vision must promote sustainable resilience and inclusive development, and enhance the well-being of inhabitants.
Flagship : Support rural municipalities in energy transition and fighting climate change
The Commission created a Rural energy community advisory hub (RECAH) that provided assistance to 27 beneficiaries in developing energy communities. This two-year action (2022-2023):
- Offered a technical assistance programme,
- developed guidance documents on setting up and maintaining rural energy communities,
- organised six networking sessions and several conferences.
RECAH contributed to increasing the understanding and capacity of citizens and local authorities to create renewable energy communities in rural areas. It provided a structured avenue for exchange of information, knowledge and best practices.
Find about more about the RECAH.
In 2024 the Energy Communities Facility will be set up to merge some of the activities of the RECAH and the Energy Communities Repository with cascade funding to be provided to energy communities in the form of grants to help design their business plans.
Flagship: Addressing climate change in peatland areas through carbon farming
This flagship contributes to building up carbon sinks by investing in rewetting wetlands and peatlands. It will offer great potential in terms of climate benefits.
Since the Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, adopted on 15 December 2021, the Commission has consistently promoted actions on peatland through carbon farming, notably by:
- streamlining targeted support in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy (e.g. in eco-schemes, through advisory services and rural development interventions),
- developing an EU certification framework that allows certification of emission removal through peatland restorations,
- developing possibilities to finance peatland conservation and restauration through the Just Transition Fund,
- setting a focus on carbon farming on peatlands in the yearly calls for LIFE projects.
Flagship: A soil deal for Europe
The EU Mission “A soil deal for Europe” contributes to tackling soil challenges in rural areas, as well as in urban settings, fostering urban-rural linkages. The main goal of the Mission is to establish 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030.
Since its launch in 2021, three work programmes with a total budget of EUR 301 million were launched, focusing on soil health, the creation of living labs, carbon farming, soil biodiversity circular economy, restauration, and the fostering of soil literacy and public involvement.
The EU Mission Soil launched its Manifesto highlighting the urgent need for action to protect soil health. The Commission is calling on regions, municipalities, private or public companies, organisations, associations, schools, educational institutes, universities, research institutions and all stakeholders interested in becoming part of a community that cares for soil to sign the Mission Soil Manifesto.
Learn more about the Mission, its objectives and related funding opportunities.
Flagship: Promoting social resilience and women in rural areas
This flagship includes actions to improve rural women’s entrepreneurship, participation in decision-making and investment in work-life balance services, including the European care strategy, dedicated networking activities and research and innovation actions.
The Commission adopted on 7 September 2022 the European Care Strategy, which acknowledges the specific challenges rural areas are facing and commits to improve evidence on care provision in rural areas.
The new European social dialogue committee for social services aims at reducing care labour shortages which are higher in rural areas. The Commission is funding two social innovation projects in long-term care in rural depopulating areas such as "RURALCARE" in Spain.
The care strategy is accompanied by two Council recommendations:
- Council recommendation on access to affordable high-quality long-term care, that calls on Member States to close the territorial gap in the long-term care systems.
- Council recommendation on high-quality early childhood education and care systems, that calls on Member States to provide sufficient territorial coverage of children education and care.
The Commission is collaborating with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to develop a comprehensive methodology for Members States to self-assess their long-term care policies. Furthermore, they are developing a toolkit to support informal care workers in their care giving activities.
Under specific objective 8 of the Common Agricultural Policy, Member States can design interventions under their CAP strategic plans to enhance the participation of women in farming and foster social inclusion for women living in rural areas.
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) finances actions supporting women’s access to employment in all the Member States, including in rural areas, under the specific objective 3 “promote a gender-balanced labour market participation, equal working conditions and a better work–life balance, including through affordable care for children and other dependent persons”.
In 2023 the Commission published a call under Horizon Europe to address territorial inequalities in care and search for integrated care solutions.
The Commission also funds projects on women-led innovation in rural areas under the flagship on research and innovation for rural areas:
- FLIARA – Female-led innovation in agriculture and rural areas
- SWIFT - Supporting Women-led Innovations in Farming and rural Territories
- GRASS Ceiling – Gender equality in rural and agricultural innovation systems
Finally, the Commission organised a number of networking activities focusing on gender equality or care in rural areas:
- The EU CAP network organised on 15-16 November 2022 the workshop "Advancing gender equality in rural areas in the EU”, which allowed institutions and practitioners to share data and exchange experience on three key areas.
- A session dedicated to women in rural areas at the High-level rural policy forum “Shaping the future of rural areas” in Sigüenza (Spain) on 28 September 2023.
- The rural pact support office organised a webinar on “Enhancing access to health services in rural areas” in partnership with the WHO and the European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association on 30 November 2023.
Analysing spatial mobility and demographically declining areas in Europe
Three Horizon Europe funded projects from Cluster 2, which started in 2023, will produce new knowledge on the impact of spatial mobility on rural areas.
- PREMIUM_EU ‘Policy recommendations to maximise the beneficial impact of unexplored mobilities in and beyond the European Union’, will develop a regional policy dashboard to assist policy makers in vulnerable regions;
- MOBI-TWIN ‘Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach’, will focus on the impact of global transitions on rural areas;
- Re-Place ‘Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through mobility and alternative development’, will study the impact of spatial mobility on non-metropolitan left-behind areas.
Assessing the working conditions of farm workers
The Commission is conducting a study for 2025 on the working conditions of workers in the agricultural sector that will:
- assess the general situation of workers;
- examine how Member States enforce effectively legislation on working conditions;
- establish a baseline for the future assessment of the new social conditionality mechanism included in the CAP 2023-2027.
Learn more on social sustainability under the CAP
Supporting the inclusion of migrants in rural areas
As part of the implementation of the Action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027, the Commission has explored options to build rural partnerships to promote inclusion and integration of migrants in rural areas:
- SHARE SIRA – Expanding social orientation and integration for newcomers in rural areas,
- 2022 European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) session on “Exploring partnerships on the inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees in rural areas”.
The Commission will continue to involve rural areas when supporting local and regional authorities for measures related to migrant integration, such as funding for transnational projects under Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund or actions taken in the framework of the Urban Agenda Partnership in the inclusion of migrants.
Several EU funded projects had already addressed migration in rural areas – Discover their work:
- MATILDE – Immigrant integration in European rural and mountain areas;
- SHARE network – Policy brief on integration in rural areas;
- MIMY - Migrant Youth Integration & Empowerment;
- WHOLE-COMM – Welcoming migrants in small communities;
- Welcoming spaces - revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants.
Ensuring equal opportunities for rural children
In 2021 the Council adopted a Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee (ECG). In line with this recommendation, Member States will work together to establish a common monitoring framework to assess the implementation, including indicators for rural areas.
All Member States have submitted their national action plans for implementation of the ECG, and they are expected to report on the implementation progress in 2024. Most action plans refer to the rural-urban divide in access to key services. This aspect is most prominent in the action plans of Romania, Lithuania, and Croatia who have planned policy measured targeted at children in rural areas.
Learn more about the European Child Guarantee.
Addressing the needs of people with disabilities
The Commission is implementing the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 in cooperation with the Member States and Civil society, and in particular organisationsof persons with disabilities. The strategy will also support improved access to their rights in rural areas.
These actions pay attention to rural areas:
- guide for Member States to improve independent living and inclusion in communities, that the Commission is developing;
- the “disability platform” expert group was created to support stakeholders with the implementation of the strategy, and include a monitoring of the implementation of the actions of the disability strategy;
- the framework for “Social Services of Excellence for persons with disabilities” that will be presented in 2024.
Learn more about Social protection & Social inclusion
Discover the REBOUND project!
REBOUND is a two-year project under the Erasmus+ programme, kicked off on 1 February 2022. It is led by the Technological University of the Shannon (formerly Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland) working with five partner organisations.
The aim of the project is to improve the resilience of rural communities, by analysing their needs and developing training programmes. These are turned into a pilot available for all.