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Rural Vision
  • News article
  • 31 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
  • 1 min read

Museum in the Village: where cultural heritage meets well-being!

Museum in the Village is a cultural programme designed for rural residents aged over 65, who often face limited accessibility to cultural activities. This initiative connects 13 museums and 13 villages across Portugal, bringing together museum professionals, artists, communities, and local authorities.

In this creative process, each participating community welcomes a museum masterpiece into their village, using it as inspiration to explore the connections between the artwork, the museum, and the local heritage. Through collective artistic endeavours involving local objects, songs, stories, and traditions, participants create their own artwork, showcasing their skills and expanding its representative value.

The project culminates in 13 temporary exhibitions, where the communities' artworks are proudly displayed alongside the museum masterpieces. This celebration is marked by an inauguration ceremony, accompanied by artistic performances that foster stronger bonds among all the people involved.

To delve deeper into this inspiring project rejuvenating local folklore, heritage, and the joy of art and culture, we encourage you to read the article on the European heritage awards website.